StarBurn SDK (Software Development Kit)
StarBurn_DVDVideo_Create Function
__stdcall STARBURN_IMPEX_API EXCEPTION_NUMBER StarBurn_DVDVideo_Create(OUT PVOID * p__PPVOID__DVDVideo, IN PCHAR p__PCHAR__VideoTsDirectory, IN BOOLEAN p__BOOLEAN__IsPatchingEnabled, OUT PCHAR p__PCHAR__ExceptionText, IN ULONG p__ULONG__ExceptionTextSizeInUCHARs, OUT PULONG p__PULONG__SystemError, IN PCHAR p__PCHAR__VolumeLabel, IN PCHAR p__PCHAR__PublisherPreparerName, IN PCHAR p__PCHAR__ApplicationName, IN LONG p__LONG__Year, IN LONG p__LONG__Month, IN LONG p__LONG__Day, IN LONG p__LONG__Hour, IN LONG p__LONG__Minute, IN LONG p__LONG__Second, IN LONG p__LONG__MilliSecond);
Pointer to pointer to resulting DVD-Video file system object.
IN PCHAR p__PCHAR__VideoTsDirectory 
Pointer to VIDEO_TS directory with corresponding DVD files.
IN BOOLEAN p__BOOLEAN__IsPatchingEnabled 
Should be set to TRUE to allow StarBurn core to modify IFO/BUP files and FALSE otherwise.
OUT PCHAR p__PCHAR__ExceptionText 
Pointer to buffer to receive formatted error message in case of exception.
IN ULONG p__ULONG__ExceptionTextSizeInUCHARs 
Error text buffer size in UCHARs.
OUT PULONG p__PULONG__SystemError 
Pointer to system error value (if function would return EN_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED).
IN PCHAR p__PCHAR__VolumeLabel 
Pointer to volume label resulting DVD-Video compilation would receive.
IN PCHAR p__PCHAR__PublisherPreparerName 
Pointer to publisher and preparer name resulting DVD-Video compilation would receive.
IN PCHAR p__PCHAR__ApplicationName 
Pointer to application name resulting DVD-Video compilation would receive.
IN LONG p__LONG__Year 
Year which would be set as DVD-Video compilation creation year.
IN LONG p__LONG__Month 
Month which would be set as DVD-Video compilation creation month.
Day which would be set as DVD-Video compilation creation day.
IN LONG p__LONG__Hour 
Hour which would be set as DVD-Video compilation creation hour.
IN LONG p__LONG__Minute 
Minute which would be set as DVD-Video compilation creation minute.
IN LONG p__LONG__Second 
Second which would be set as DVD-Video compilation creation second.
IN LONG p__LONG__MilliSecond 
Millisecond which would be set as DVD-Video compilation creation millisecond. 

Execution status.

This function creates DVD-Video file system object from passed pointer to VIDEO_TS directory with DVD corresponding files.


See DVDVideoTrackAtOnceFromFileEx and DVDVideoBuildImageEx StarBurn sample applications as an example how to use StarBurn_DVDVideo_Create API call and all of the companion DVD-Video sub-API calls.