StarBurn SDK (Software Development Kit)
StarBurn_GetIsCollisionDetectionDisabled Function
__stdcall STARBURN_IMPEX_API BOOLEAN StarBurn_GetIsCollisionDetectionDisabled(IN VOID);

Is collision detection mode disabled (TRUE) or enabled (FALSE).

This function returns is collision detection disabled (TRUE) or enabled (FALSE). If collision detection is enabled - every new file added to ISO9660 or Joliet file tree would be checked to have unique name. If such a file already exist - special callback (collision detection one) would be called so user would be able to either replace or rename new or old file. However if collision detection is disabled - no comparation and no actions would be performed. File would be just added to the destination file system image AS IS, having it's original name.

If new image is created from the content stored on the hard disk - there's no way for file names to be the same. So file system image creation process could be speed up quite a lot by turning collision detection OFF (especially if there are a lot of files inside each directory). In other cases it's not recommended to play with this option.

Please see BuildImage sample to find out how collision detection could be disabled and enabled during file system image creation.