StarBurn SDK (Software Development Kit)
StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_SetAttributes Function
__stdcall STARBURN_IMPEX_API VOID StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_SetAttributes(IN PVOID p__PVOID__ISO9660JolietFileTree, IN PVOID p__PVOID__ISO9660JolietFileTreeNode, IN ULONG p__ULONG__Attributes);
IN PVOID p__PVOID__ISO9660JolietFileTree 
Pointer to the ISO9660 or Joliet file tree object that toolkit allocated during call to StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_Create().
IN PVOID p__PVOID__ISO9660JolietFileTreeNode 
Pointer to the ISO9660 or Joliet file tree node object that is either result of previous tree node kids enumeration with StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_GetFirstKid() and StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_GetNextKid() or the result of call to StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_GetRoot().
IN ULONG p__ULONG__Attributes 
New attributes 

None. This function cannot fail.

This function sets ISO9660 or Joliet file tree node attributes.

Attributes can be used to build correct tree to visualise enumeration of all the kids and walk down the tree.

This example allocates Joliet file tree, get root node, gets attributes and destroys it (tree) after it's not needed any more.